Tuesday, February 16, 2010



If we want blessings from God, nothing can fetch them down but faith. Prayers cannot draw down answers from God except when it is the earnest prayer of somebody who believes. Faith is the telegraphic wire which connects Earth and Heaven. Teach yourself to grow my (as in God) faith.
Most people are super-programmed by negative impulses. They are conditioned from birth to "feast" on negativity. Newspapers, radio-stations, news bulletins - all negative. All pumping the same vile negative messages into our thoughts. From birth we are being told "you can't do that"  or "don't do that"....don't set your sights too high. 

Wow - that is an amazing list of obstacles to overcome but with proper conditioning all the negativity can melt away. So why don't more people make a study of personal development and motivation ?? You will literally attract good fortune into your life like a magnet. Your mind will open to opportunities that you thought never existed for you before. You will be receptive to all sorts of positive outcomes. Your life will miraculously change because "your programming will change".

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