Tuesday, April 28, 2015



A love that is pure seeks only to give ... that this trait I saw in me right from young pointed me in the direction my life would take eventually .. as a guide par excellence to the uniniated. I may add that I am a self taught person and have read very little or nothing of any past philosophies or religions but have done a wee bit of cherry picking of the best as the best. This is because as I read any kind of knowledge nowadays I find the gaps or rather the areas where the writer went wrong and in deference to their attempts .. I desist and keep away. Nobody wants to be told they are wrong even when they are. They must first develop an open mind ready to accept that the only way forward in life is to accept that you need to learn and keep learning always.  It is infinetely better they discover it for themselves for then they have only the self to blame or the self to praise. Besides the all important message is ... how much or how little  Funny how human we all are at the end of the day for even though my mind opened up this thought to me right at the very start ... I too learnt my lessons in the same way I have shared with you.

I know who I am but it is not necessary for me to tom tom it again and again for I have now become comfortable in my higher persona.  In the beginning I needed to repeat the same to myself  simply to walk away from the devil thought in my mind who did not want any competition and did not like to be made to feel small. It was the universal mind present in all minds ... see the sameness of thinking patterns .. people linking to others as their lesson without doing any homework of their own. Now linking to others to open up new ideas and concepts to mull on is a whole different ball game from the one I spoke of earlier. In the second way you are expected to think on these concepts and judge them as either faulty or worthy of emulating.  Not everything is perfection of thought of the current idea.  But in the beginning you can be kind to the struggling devil thought trying to manifest itself into your mind and allow it to pass through without linking to its idea.  This frees your mind from the negativity possible through its acceptance.  Limit the devil to a thought only.  IT IS THE PUREST WAY TO ELIMINATE THE SPIRIT FROM OUT OF YOU AND WONDER OF WONDERS YOU HAVE REMOVED THE CURSE PLACED BY OTHERS IN THE PAST ON IT AND FREED ITS SPIRIT BACK TO LOVE ... GIVING IT BACK TO GOD.

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